All About Me

                All About Me

In real life, people call me Janie Doss.  I go by Tiger Oma because I am a HUGE University of Missouri Tiger fan, class of '85, and my grandma name is Oma.  Two things that define me.

I am a veteran teacher.  I have taught over 28 years, and I am counting down to my retirement in 2023! I have taught kindergarten, first, fifth, and sixth grades.  I have been teaching middle school ELA for the past 16 years in a small town middle-America.

I have been reading for as long as I can remember.  In fact, my mother tells the story that I came home from my first day of kindergarten crying because they didn't teach me how to read.  I have always loved to read.  I enjoy the worlds I travel to and the characters I meet.

I have been reviewing books for over 12 years.  I started reviewing with the Children's and Young Adults Book Review Board of Missouri.  I loved it so much that I decided to start to blog about the books I read as a way to introduce new books to my students and anyone else that takes the time to read my posts.  I would love for reviewing to become a full-time adventure that I can do when I am no longer in the classroom.

I have also dabbled in writing. I am a co-author of several teacher resource books through Mark Twain Media. I am also the sole author of a teacher resource book on World War 1. All books are available on Amazon.
I'd love to answer any questions you have, so just drop me a line.

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