Wednesday, June 21, 2017

In 27 Days

In 27 Days
Alison Gervais
Published Jul 25, 2017

I received a free copy from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

IN 27 DAYS was a very gripping read.  It is stamped on my mind and in my heart.  The cover drew me to the book, but after the first chapter, I knew I must read on.  I love the whole plot of this book: trying to completely change someone’s life in just 27 days.  Not many people would take on this type of challenge, but when a very ominous character offers this chance, how could anyone refuse?  

I believe Alison Gervais does an outstanding job of connecting the reader to the characters. The two main characters, Hadley and Archer, are very likable and believable. Both are very realistic and go through the range of emotions throughout the book. As a reader, I was drawn into their changing relationship.  Archer’s family was also very endearing. I also loved how Death was portrayed in the story.  He had a very creepy edge that left me with an uneasy feeling every time he was mentioned. I dreaded the parts where he appeared.  He did have a side that surprised me!  

What I liked best about this book was the way it made me think.  Would I be willing to take on the challenge that Hadley took?  Would I give up when it got tough and doors were slammed in my face or would I rise to the occasion?  I think readers will question themselves too. It caused a lot of soul searching especially when I imagined myself as a high school student.  It also made me reevaluate my actions and words towards others in my life.  Do I build people up or tear them down?  The soul searching, I believe, gives the reader hope that yes, she/he can make a positive difference in the lives of others.  I also think the way suicide was handled did not glorify it but will force the reader realize that those types of actions have a far reaching negative effect.

IN 27 DAYS there is a plot twist that makes this book anything but predictable.

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