Friday, June 23, 2017

Save Me

Save Me

by Etie Hunter T.K. Xavier

I purchased this book from Amazon because I wanted to read Etie Hunter T.K. Xavier’s debut novel.

Iona is huddled over a crumpled body in an even further crumbling city, unsure if her counterpart is breathing. Bullet fire rings out around her, but she ignores it. How did she find herself here? How on earth was it just a few short weeks ago that she was watching a play at her old high school? So much has changed since then, she hardly recognizes herself. For the first time in months, it suddenly dawns on her that she may be alone again. Winter is here and she doesn’t have the skills to survive alone. Hands are on her, pulling her away from her crumpled companion. Her vision blurs and the world around her is silent. It’s never silent.
Description from

SAVE ME is the debut novel for Etie and T.K.  I think they did a wonderful job.  

The story is fresh.  Yes, it is about zombies, death, and top secret government projects, but they have managed to put a new spin on these.  I like how the story progresses and there are no dull parts.  The action keeps coming.  It is told with dual narrators.  One is Iona and the other is Shaw.  The two make a very unlikely hero couple, but they work well together to tell a seamless tale.  

Shaw, the male hero of the story, is  a brave smart-aleck and of course “hubba-hubba” handsome.  I love the way he calls Iona, “Darling,” just to make her mad.  He has an ornery streak that way.  At first I thought he was this hard-nosed ex-military jerk, but he does morph into a character that I actually found myself cheering for.  His past plays a big part in who he is and how he handles himself in all situations.  He is my favorite character.

Iona is a very independent girl and thinks she can tackle the world and all its problems by herself.  When she “accidentally” meets Shaw, her life is forever changed.  Throughout the story she must learn to lean on Shaw if they are going to survive.

I think this book would be an enjoyable, quick summer read and the perfect book for a poolside story.  It is my understanding that the sequel, FIND ME, is being written.  I am anxiously waiting for it.  I think you will be too.

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